Professional Training

Devoted To Core-level Healing, Awakening, And Integration


August 1-7, 2024 (Zoom)

November 8-14, 2024 (Zoom)


Limited to 10 participants only

I am happy to be continuing to offer professional trainings, and to have them unfold through the same intuitive, full-spectrum approach that I employ in my men’s and women’s 3-day Zoom groups.

Participation in my foundational training is required for further training with me.

This training’s purpose is twofold: (1) to engage in very deep personal/relational/spiritual work; and (2) to deepen and expand your capacity to guide others through a dynamic, intuitively structured approach that optimally integrates body, mind, emotion, and spirituality.

I will be not so much teaching specific techniques as transmitting/providing a context for guiding others into the deepest sort of healing, awakening, and integration.

Through this you’ll directly experience the essence of what I’ve covered in my books, as well as get an inside, illuminating look at how my work works.

The training will blend your personal work and your work with others; much of the teaching will directly and naturally emerge from whatever personal work needs to be done. Your experience in the training will be enhanced by being in a group with kindred spirits who are as deeply dedicated to their personal work and evolution as they are to being as effective a guide as possible in their work with others.

This, all brought together in the context of our innate wholeness, describes the kind of work that you can expect to engage in and learn about in this training. The work will include shadow exploration and trauma healing, bodywork, Gestalt, primal opening, relational dynamics, emotional insight and breakthrough, dreamwork, and spiritual deepening.

The Work

Imagine an approach to healing and well-being that integrates the psychological, somatic, emotional, social, and spiritual with exceptional effectiveness and efficiency.


Also imagine that this approach does not rely upon nor operate from any preset methodology, but rather allows structure and direction to spontaneously arise in fitting accord with our real needs, whether in individual, couple, or group contexts.


And imagine that this approach works deeply and thoroughly with all our emotions, going to the heart of each, recognizing that emotion connects body and mind, past and present, intention and action, containment and expression, biology and biography.


Imagine also that this approach works with the very foundations of our shadow — that dimension of us holding whatever in us we’re keeping in the dark, including our not-yet-faced conditioning — illuminating it and integrating it with the rest of our being.


And imagine that this approach operates in a deeply relational context that’s rooted in cultivating intimacy not only with others but also with all that constitutes us.


Who This Is For

Each training is for those who (1) have a minimum of three years working as a psychologist, psychotherapist, counselor, coach, or healing professional; (2) feel a very strong resonance with my way of working and with my books; and (3) have an abiding passion not only for working with others, but also for their own healing and awakening. (Some exceptions may be made for those who do not meet the three-year requirement.)

Limiting each training to 10 participants ensures that each person will have ample time to receive in-depth work and guidance. The training will be both a sanctuary and crucible for working with your edge psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Foundational trainings are prerequisites for advanced training.


$2500. Deposit of $800 required, refundable up to four months prior to the training. Food and lodging is not included in the tuition for in-person trainings (most, if not all, trainings, will be conducted over Zoom.)


(1) A minimum of 3 years working as a psychologist, psychotherapist, counselor, coach, or healing professional. (Some exceptions may be made for those who do not meet this requirement.)

(2) Adequate in-person work with me. This almost always includes having done one of my 3-day or 5-day groups.

(3) Have read my books Spiritual Bypassing, Transformation through Intimacy, Emotional Intimacy, and Bringing Your Shadow Out of the Dark, and listened thoroughly to my audio program Knowing Your Shadow (which is available for contuining ed credits through

The darker, stranger, and unwanted aspects of us ask not for rehabilitation, nor for ostracization or colonization, nor for romanticizing or facile acceptance, but for space to be seen and heard. If we deny them their own voice in the community of “I’s” that make us up, we only impoverish ourselves, leaving ourselves partial, fragmented, segregated, busy supporting an apartheid of psyche.