Couples Work

The path toward great relationship is not necessarily a straight one. It has plenty of curves, switchbacks, and rocky sections, asking for clarity, courage, flexibility, steady footing and deeply mutual self-exploration. It is an adventure for which we were born, asking everything of us and giving back even more.


Who This Is For

Committed monogamous couples ready to work through whatever is preventing their relationship from truly thriving.

What To Expect

  • A deep, mutually enriching dive into what will help heal and deepen your relationship
  • Compassionate, creative, and exceptionally effective/efficient guidance
  • Psychological/emotional insight and breakthrough, and the tools to stabilize this
  • A clear, practical understanding of the core factors contributing to your relational difficulties

My Approach

  • Naturally integral (body, mind, emotion, spirit, and conditioning all taken into account)
  • Working deeply with each partner’s conditioning: Connecting the dots between past and present both intellectually and emotionally, exploring how the past of each partner is affecting their relationship
  • Deepening empathy and compassion, while developing healthier boundaries
  • Uncovering and illuminating shadow elements in both partners (“shadow” meaning whatever in us we have denied, disowned, or rejected)
  • Working with shame and how it impacts the couple’s relationship
  • Listening with our whole being, listening emotionally, listening with heart
  • Exploring both the sexual and nonsexual dynamics of a couple’s sexuality
  • Cultivating the capacity for healthy challenge
  • Working skillfully and dynamically with anger (anger versus aggression)
  • Resolving conflict without robbing partners of their passion and fire
  • Full-spectrum coaching, seamlessly blending in with the therapeutic and transpersonal part of the work

Intimate relationship promises much yet only delivers what we put into it. We need to ask not only what we want from such relationship but also what we are willing to do to manifest that. Wanting to be cocooned or secured through relationship is very different than wanting to be healed, awakened, and deepened through relationship. If we really want the latter, we need to open to what it will — and has to — ask of us, knowing that it won’t necessarily be an easy ride. But the very difficulties that arise as we more deeply enter relationship are what provide most of the raw material for reaching the depth and ease of relationship for which we yearn…